Keep Swimming, Turning "No" Into Fuel, Creative Reinvention

Plus, Practical Tips from a Creative Guru, AI Story Boards, Inspiration from a Tuareg Queen


Hello Rock Star,

"There's always tomorrow."
"The next one!"
"You just need one 'yes.'"

It's been a season of "no" for documentary grants and pitch forums for Matriarch. If you've been pouring your heart into something and facing rejection after rejection, you understand. I'm resisting the temptation to wallow in self-doubt, but each "sorry to inform you" still stings as they pile up.

I remind myself that these "no's" are part of the creative journey. I revisit the positive evaluations I've received. 3 Excellents and 2 Very Goods—these were the ratings we received from the evaluation committee to our proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities. With comments like "vividly conceived," "the sample clips are extraordinary," "this will appeal widely to audiences," and "I can't wait to watch!" But these effusive comments can feel like salt to the wound when it comes with a rejection and no clear explanation other than it's the Chairman's final decision regardless of what the review committee says.

But there's no time for disappointment. Like so many other creatives and changemakers, I'm learning that persistence isn't about avoiding failure—it's about embracing it and continuing anyway. I believe too much in this work to let a few "no's" stand in the way. As Dory wisely advises (with a 6-year-old daughter, many of life's lessons come from Disney movies): "Just keep swimming!" It's time to pause the fundraising that's burning me out and pivot back to what I love—creating and imagining.

If you're feeling the same, join me in taking a break from the grind to rediscover what truly fuels us—creating, imagining, and rediscovering the joy that brought us to our path in the first place. In this newsletter, I'll share how I'm reigniting my creative spark and tips for finding joy again.

Let's keep swimming!



To help me break out of my rut, I turned to the chapter “Breaking the Sameness” in Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act. His practical suggestions resonated deeply with me, offering a way to shift my mindset and regain momentum. Here are three tips that unlocked my situation.

I asked myself:
What is one small thing I can do or create to move this forward?
What little act can I take that will give me joy and create momentum?

This led me to start playing with AI to visualize the animation component of Matriarch.

I challenged myself:
What if I have to finish this with what I already have?
What if I have to finish this within the year?

This helped me arrive at my pivot of reimagining the documentary with the materials I already have.

I wondered:
Who can I bring in as a sounding board to provide a fresh perspective?
Who can bring new energy and excitement to the project?

I’m reaching out to a couple of friends who have always brought a positive creative spark to my work.

These tips have helped me break through creative barriers, and I invite you to give them a try in your own projects. Whether you're facing a creative block or just need a fresh perspective, start with a small step, reconsider your current resources, or invite someone new into your process.

I'd love to hear how you apply these tips: Which tip resonated with you the most? How did it help you move forward? Drop me an email or share your experience on social media with the hashtag #CreativeActInAction so we can keep inspiring each other.


The cycle of applying and getting rejected has put me in a funk. To climb out of this deepening rut, I've realized I need to return to what brings me joy—the very reason I became a creator and storyteller in the first place.

Learn & Create
Fuel & Do. Get Inspired & Take Action. These are the words that guide me, depending on my mood. It's about immersing myself in beauty and knowledge that lights me up. Then, I channel that light into a creative act—something small and simple that I can make without waiting for anyone else's approval. 

Bringing the Legend of Tin Hinan to Life with AI

Animating matriarchal myths is a core element of my documentary, Matriarch. From Gemu, the Mosuo Chinese Mountain Goddess, to the Diné (Navajo) Changing Woman, I've loved learning about these founding stories. I want to bring them to life through animation so audiences can truly feel the impact of growing up with these powerful female role models.

But animation is expensive. While I can shoot and cut together sample footage to showcase my cinematic vision, creating an animation sample was out of reach—until AI tools exploded onto the scene. I've been using AI to storyboard the Tuareg legend of Tin Hinan. While I still hope to collaborate with a real artist for the final animation, it's exhilarating to see this part of Matriarch visually come to life.

Thought Experiment: Make Something With What I've Got

Rick Rubin's advice to "change the stakes" when stuck in a rut got me thinking. Is it time to pivot? For years, I've resisted this idea, holding tightly to the original concept of the documentary series (that received so many positive reviews!). However, with funding not materializing year after year, I had to find another way forward.

So here's the creative challenge I've set for myself: What kind of story and film can I create using the incredible footage I already have? I've visited my Mosuo family twice in China, my Minang family three times in Indonesia, and my Tuareg protagonist once. I have interviews with two of my advisors.

Shifting to an abundance mindset has helped me reframe this situation. Instead of focusing on what I lack—time, money, or external approval—I'm embracing the wealth of material I already have. What once might have felt like a compromise now feels liberating and exciting. There's nothing like a good creative challenge to reignite my passion.

Turning "No" Into Creative Fuel

The journey of a creator is filled with twists and turns, but it's in these moments of uncertainty that we find unexpected opportunities. By shifting our mindset and focusing on what we have, we unlock the potential for true creative freedom. 

Keep Swimming With Me!

I'm Izzy—a documentary filmmaker, keynote speaker, strategist, and cultural envoy. I thrive at the crossroads of brands, culture, and people, where stories come to life and creativity knows no bounds. Whether you're navigating a creative challenge, looking to bring a project to fruition, or simply need a fresh perspective, let's dive in together. Drop me an email! I’d love to create something awesome together.

Learn more about...

  • My consulting work: Discover how we can collaborate and what others have to say about working with me.

  • Matriarch: My documentary-in-progress where legends and real life intertwine.

  • The Big Flip, my feature documentary on breadwinner moms and at-home dads


Impactful Documentaries: Storytelling Over Preaching